Process Equipment
Wagner has Process Equipment for Your Application
Wagner Process Equipment is the best choice for process equipment in California and Nevada. We offer filtration vessels and media, heat exchangers, flow meters, motors, air-filter regulators, lubricators and pulsation dampeners.
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Filtration & Strainer Components
High quality bag and cartridge filtration vessels and media as well as y-strainers, simplex basket strainers, duplex basket strainers and check valves.
- Culinary Steam Filters
- Tube Filter Systems
- Automatic Water Strainers
- After Coolers
- Cyclone Separators
- Basket Strainers
- Y Strainers
- Check Valves
- Butterfly Valves
- Suction Diffusers
Designed for industries requiring waste and sludge conditioning, or solids reduction. Pipeline grinders and high speed, low torque grinders for open channel or wet well installations.
- Grinders
Motors and Controls
Motors, gear motors, c-face reducers and VFDs.
Mechanical Seals
Component, single and double cartridge, bellows, and specialty mechanical seals.
Heat Exchangers
Direct steam injection water/liquid heaters, sanitary cookers, specialty heaters, packaged systems and desuperheaters.
- Direct Steam Injection
- Hot Water Systems
- Sanitary Product Cookers
Pulsation Dampeners & Other Equipment
Eliminate the effects of pump pulsation and pipe vibration with pulsation dampeners and surge suppressors.